11 Oct 2020

Do I have gout? What are the symptoms?

This is one of the questions that we get most from the people visiting GoutBye! The very early symptoms may appear before any gout flares. A sign of gout might be the elevated uric acid levels or purine levels that might appear in your regular blood test results.  You can also take our free anonymous assessment test to define how likely you might have gout.

Most often, however, the people get alarmed when they experience the so-called gout flare:

  • The flares often occur by night. 
  • Intense and constant pain in your big toe or another joint. Gout usually affects your big toe’s large joint, but it can also affect your fingers, ankles, knees, elbows, or wrists.
  • Inflammation. The affected joint or joints show inflammation symptoms – swollen, tender, warm, and red.
  • The first four hours are usually the worst. The pain is really great in the first hours of the gout flare. On some occasions, you can’t step on or even touch the foot.
  • The flare lasts around 12 hours, but some joint discomfort may last from a few days to a few weeks after the severe pain subsides.

You can read on how you can handle an unexpected gout flare attack or if you’re experiencing such for the first time.

Our mission at GoutBye is to help you build precisely these habits and make your life easier. Make sure you will check out other articles on our site. 🙂


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